The Levi Yitzchak Schneerson Day School in Dnepropetrovsk, which is part of the Ohr Avner Chabad educational network, hosted a visit by the heads of the Israeli “Hefzibah” and “Tel Am” educational programs in the CIS and Baltic countries.
A 19-year-old Hasidic pilgrim drowned in Ukraine on Thursday while taking a ritual bath in a lake during the Jewish New Year's celebrations, an official said.
The European Parliament recognizes the ''legitimate demand'' of Palestine to become a member state of the United Nations but believes that that statehood should result from direct negotiations.
AIPAC lauds U.S. President for seeing Israelis deserve 'normal relations with their neighbors'; Americans for Peace Now: U.S. position as defender of rights cannot stand as Israeli-Palestinians conflict 'left to fester'.
U.S. President appeals to Palestinian President at meeting on sidelines of UN General Assembly; ahead of Clinton meeting, Netanyahu says West Bank settlement freeze not an option.
On September 19, near the Beit Shvidler Educational Center in Moscow’s Marina Roscha neighborhood, the opening ceremony of the new dormitory for students of the Mesivta Boys’ School took place.
The Ukrainian city of Krivoy Rog hosted a visit by Jed Sanden, a Ukrainian independent news publisher who is a U.S. citizen. Mr. Sanden is the owner of the KP Media Holding.