The Jewish Division of Ukraine’s Heaven’s Hundred |
11.03.2014, Communities of Eurasia |
Those who died at the Maidan are called the Heaven’s Hundred in Ukraine, because a “hundred” was the structural unit of Maidan’s Self Defense Forces. It is largely a symbolic name - not all of those murdered in the death throes of the criminal regime were active participants of these groups, which were created over the three months of protests. But the name stuck nonetheless. It has been proposed to rename Institutskaya street, covered in blood on February 20th, the day of the massacre, into Heaven’s Hundred Street. I am certain that someday I will show my children a memorial to the Heaven’s Hundred. It will be on the Maidan, restored after the battles and washed of grime. I will lay flowers and a small stone at the monument, as it is done in the Jewish tradition, and will keep my silence for some time, for I do not know how to pray. |
Fascism, Russia, and Ukraine |
21.02.2014 |
The students were the first to protest against the regime of President Viktor Yanukovych on the Maidan, the central square in Kiev, last November. These were the Ukrainians with the most to lose, the young people who unreflectively thought of themselves as Europeans and who wished for themselves a life, and a Ukrainian homeland, that were European. Many of them were politically on the left, some of them radically so. After years of negotiation and months of promises, their government, under President Yanukovych, had at the last moment failed to sign a major trade agreement with the European Union. |
Open Address to the Jews of the World |
03.02.2014, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
Two months ago, the citizens of Ukraine, who have snatched a few breaths of the air of freedom over the last twenty years, went out to a square with one demand: to stop the country from becoming a dictatorship and to return hope for a brighter future to its people. Since then they have been standing at Kyiv's Maidan and many other squares all over the country. It is not just Ukrainians who are making the stand, but also Russians, Armenians, Belarusians, Crimean Tatars. And the Jews are standing as well. |
Love and Hatred in Kiev |
31.01.2014, Xenophobia and anti-Semitism |
KIEV, Ukraine — It has been severely cold here lately, with temperatures dipping below freezing night after night. What sustains the protesters at Independence Square in weather this bleak can only come from inside: an exceptionally hot mix of despair, hope, self-sacrifice and hatred. |
We Care About Ukraine |
30.01.2014, Israel and the World |
We Jews cannot forget millennium-long atrocities and persecutions and we shall never forget about the Holocaust. But we also remember our struggle for freedom and independence. Zionism is a Jewish national movement or Jewish nationalism that proved to have been capable of reviving the Jewish national state on its biblical land. |
UNRWA and Middle East peace |
23.01.2014 |
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency has long outstayed its welcome. It would be more productive for genuine peace in the region if the office of the High Commissioner for Refugees took over the function of assisting the Palestinians |