EAJC General Assembly
The number of GA delegates is determined by a representation norm envisaged for every country proceeding from the amount of Jewish population. Founders from the countries with the Jewish population (in compliance with the Law of State of Israel "On return") below 5 thousand people have one delegate, from 5 to 25 thousand - two delegates, from 25 thousand onwards every 25 thousand add one delegate.
Representatives of other Jewish organizations as well as persons determined by Presidium are entitled to attend the GA as observers.
Functions of GA chairman go to Congress President, in his absence - to GC Chairman or Secretary General.
The following issues are in the exclusive competence of the General Council:
- Adoption of EAJC articles of association, as well as introducing amendments to them;
- Change in the organizational and legal form of the Congress;
- Voluntary reorganization and/or liquidation of the Congress;
- Election of the EAJC President;
- The approval of the EAJC GC Chairman, Secretary General and Treasurer, as introduced by President, as well as the determination of their levels of competence;
- Election of members for the Inspection commissions and any early terminations of their authority;
- Determination of the order and periodicity of submission for financial accounts of the Presidium, as well as the order of their audit by the Inspection commission, and the approval of any results;
- Approval of reports made by the President, Vice-Presidents and the Inspection commission;
- Determination of forms of notification about subsequent convocations of the General Assembly;
- Adoption of decisions on Congress participation in the creation or activity of other legal entities;
- Approval of rewards and/or compensations for officials;
- Other questions of Congress activity.
Decisions on issues from sub-items 1-3 of the given item are taken by a qualified majority of votes. Decisions on other issues within GA exclusive competence are taken by a simple majority of votes.
Issues within GA exclusive competence cannot be managed by the General Council and Presidium.
Presidium suggests an agenda the founders should become familiar with no later than 2 (two) weeks prior to the subsequent General Assembly convocation date. Founders' suggestions submitted no later than 10 days prior to a General Assembly date can be included onto a General Assembly final agenda.
Extraordinary General Assemblies can be convened on the initiative of a simple majority of GA or GC members.
Decisions of an extraordinary GA are valid until the next GA.
Expenses to hold an extraordinary GA convened on the founders' initiative go to them and are covered by Congress after confirming the causes to convene a given GA.