Every day during the week of Sukkot, a Sukkah-Mobile travelled throughout Dnepropetrovsk after departing from the Golden Rose Synagogue. The Sukkah-Mobile is an open truck on which a small sukkah has been built. The Sukkah-Mobile stopped at busy public places to give Jews the opportunity to make the blessing on the lulav and etrog and to have some refreshments in the Sukkah.
"We are helping Jews to fulfill the two main commandments of the holiday – the commandment of dwelling in a sukkah and the “Arba Minim” (“four species”),” explained program director Efraim Korogodskiy. “We explained the meaning of the commandments to the people, helped them fulfil the commandments, and invited people and their families to the synagogue for Sukkot as well as for the upcoming holidays of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.”
The first stop each day for the Sukkah-Mobile was near the Dnepropetrovsk railway station, after which it stopped in the city’s central square, near a well-frequented department store, and then the Nagorny market. The rest of the day is spent at three popular major shopping centers in the area.
This year, as in previous years, the Sukkah-Mobile was manned by volunteers from the STARS educational program and the Shiurei Torah Foundation, which sponsored and organized the project.