Cabinet to approve limits on stipends for yeshiva students
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                  Cabinet to approve limits on stipends for yeshiva students

                  Cabinet to approve limits on stipends for yeshiva students


                  The Cabinet is expected to adopt recommendations on Sunday that would limit the amount of time that yeshiva students can receive government stipends.
                  Earlier this year, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz included a sum of NIS 111 million intended for yeshiva students' stipends in the state budget. The budget was passed despite the fact that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had just appointed a committee to examine the stipends for full-time yeshiva students.
                  The passage of the budget caused widespread criticism, especially from university students, who held protests throughout the country.
                  The committee's recommendations are expected to be incorporated into the stipend program after gaining approval by the Cabinet next week.
                  According to the recommendations, full time yeshiva students will be able to receive a stipend for four years only. During their fifth year, the amount of money they receive will be reduced and they will be expected to integrate into the workforce.
                  The number of students allowed to receive stipends after five years will be capped at 2,000 and the figure they will continue to receive will be NIS 1,040 per month.
                  Today, there are around 11,000 full time yeshiva students in Israel who receive stipends with no time constraints.