Mahmoud Abbas - PA President and now recipient of a Makhachkalan doctorate.
Of course, this is just an honorary degree. Aussie Dave of Israelycool points out Mr. Abbas's real, scholarly work:
The Memri Institute for monitoring media in the mid-east reports that Arafat's newly appointed 'prime minister' for the PA, Mahmud Abbas completed a doctoral thesis in 1982 titled "The Secret Connection between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement".
In his thesis, Abbas wrote that the estimated number of Jews killed during World War II was "less than one million." Abbas stated that the Zionist leadership collaborated with the Nazi regime to "facilitate the wide-spread destruction" of Jews. Abbas' 'research' was later printed by a publisher located in Amman, Jordan.
In an introduction to his work published in 1984, Abbas raised doubts regarding the existence of the gas chambers. He asserted again that the number of Jews killed during the war was about one million.
Abbas claimed in his work that the Zionist leadership was interested in convincing the world that a large number of Jews were killed during the war in order to "attain larger gains" after the war and to "divide the booty."
Mahmoud Abbas did his real Ph. D in Moscow's Oriental College, see his thesis title above. People who met him, say that his Russian is very fluent, and he is a very social guy and an easy conversationalist. International public opinion and stupid liberal Jews urge Israel to conclude peace talks while Mr. Abbas is in charge. Mr. Abbas is of the same mind. KGB knew how to train their students!
And, of course, the republic of Dagestan should not be forgotten. Apparently all their problems are solved. The only thing Dagestan was missing was an honorable Ph. D for Mahmoud Abbas. And now, this is done.
Mazel Tov, Dagestan!