Monument to the Jewish Prisoners of Norillag Desecrated
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                  Monument to the Jewish Prisoners of Norillag Desecrated


                  Monument to the Jewish Prisoners of Norillag Desecrated

                  In Norilsk, unknown vandals have destroyed the monument to the Jewish prisoners of Norillag (a gulag labour camp in Norilsk).
                  The foundation of the granite monument has been shattered, the memorial tablet has been thrown down, and a crossed Star of David has been drawn with an aerosol can on the both sides of the monument. This is a symbol used by extremists.
                  Currently, a criminal case according to the article 'Vandalism' has been opened because of the demolition of the monument. The police are searching for the offenders.
                  At the same time, unknown vandals have scribbled provocative and even extremist graffiti on housefronts all over the town.