FJC Communities Begin Passover Aid Effort
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                  FJC Communities Begin Passover Aid Effort

                  FJC Communities Begin Passover Aid Effort

                  29.03.2017, Community Life

                  With the holiday of Passover coming up, FJC’s Jewish communities and organizations throughout the FSU countries – are busy preparing for Passover, first and foremost focusing on providing the necessary food and supplies for those in need.

                  Aided by the the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), lead by rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, and additional organizations and individual donors from around the world, FJC will distribute 35,000 food packages, which provide sustenance for thousands of impoverished families and individuals. Among those receiving help are Holocaust survivors and the elderly, living on minimal pensions; orphans and single-parent families, individuals and families in crisis situations.

                  “Passover is the festival of freedom from oppression and we strive that any Jew in the former Soviet Union who wishes to join the celebration will be able to so with dignity and self-respect,” said Mr. David Mondshine, the CEO of the FJC.

                  Other help will include the organization of hundreds of Passover Seder night dinners throughout the region, from Belarus to Kazakhstan to Estonia, that welcome all of the community members. Additionally, over 100 tons of Matzah and 70,000 bottles of wine and grape juice will be distributed, both in large and remote communities.

                  This year the food packages are expanded and will contain not only kosher for Passover groceries, Matzah and grape juice, but also meat, fish and vegetables in an attempt to provide sustainable nutrition for those in need. FJC’s humanitarian aid is an on-going effort carried out since the Federation’s creation in 1998. It has also benefited from the long-standing support of the IFCJ headed by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein for the many years.