On the situation concerning the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem
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                  On the situation concerning the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem

                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Extraordinary General Assembly


                  On the situation concerning the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Extraordinary General Assembly,

                  • taking into account that the aggravation of the Temple Mount situation in the Old City of Jerusalem was caused by a cruel act of terrorism that led to the deaths of two Israeli policemen and that the terrorists, who were members of the Israeli Arab community, used Temple Mount for their attack and attempted to escape justice,
                  • states that Temple Mount is subject to the absolute sovereignty of the State of Israel, which has complete responsibility to preserve law and order at this most holy site of Jews and Muslims;
                  • supports the necessary measures taken by the Israeli leaders to counteract terror and keep Temple Mount safe;
                  • notes that the measures taken by the government of Israel on Temple Mount serve only to prevent a repetition of the acts of terror and in no way infringe on the religious rights of the Muslim community;
                  • decisively condemns the position of certain parts of the Arab and Muslim community of Israel and its leaders, who consciously attempt to aggravate the situation further;
                  • reproves of the biased position of the countries, movements, politicians and public figures who stand against the rightful efforts of the State of Israel to counter terrorism;
                  • denies the accusations aimed at the State of Israel that it is attempting to use the crisis to strengthen its influence on Temple Mount;
                  • calls for objectivity in the global community about the events in Jerusalem;
                  • unconditionally considers Israel to be the one and indivisible capital of the Jewish State, and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City to be a part of the historic heritage of the Jewish people.