On the Anti-Israel Stance of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
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                  On the Anti-Israel Stance of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Extraordinary General Assembly


                  On the Anti-Israel Stance of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Extraordinary General Assembly

                  • notes that the declared goals of UNESCO are to strengthen peace and security through improving the collaboration between states and peoples, and to ensure justice and lawfulness;
                  • believes that the activity of international organizations needs to be based in an unbiased and objective approach;
                  • states that in recent years UNESCO has taken an openly anti-Israeli position, which has manifested in a number of documents approved by the organization which deny the right of the Jewish people to their historic heritage;
                  • decisively condemns the one-sided and biased UNESCO position towards the State of Israel;
                  • expresses deep indignation at the anti-Israeli direction of the UNESCO resolutions which deny the historic connection between the Jewish people and Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City and the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron;
                  • reproves the countries which have supported the approval of the anti-Israeli resolutions within UNESCO;
                  • considers all of UNESCO’s decisions that deny the connection between the Jewish people and their historic heritage to be inadequate;
                  • expresses a well-founded concern that the approach displayed by UNESCO to matters of historic heritage can seriously aggravate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and become a catalyst for yet another wave of Palestinian terror;
                  • unconditionally supports the inalienable right of the Jewish people and the Jewish state to their historic heritage, including the one and indivisible capital of Israel: Jerusalem, Temple Mount, Cave of the Patriarchs;
                  • supports the decisions of the State of Israel which restrict cooperation with UNESCO;
                  • calls for states represented in UNESCO to be more historically responsible and objective when voting on matters of cultural heritage and not succumb to the obvious provocations of the Palestinian side and its unconditional supporters.