On the problem of antisemitism in the modern world
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                  On the problem of antisemitism in the modern world

                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Extraordinary General Assembly


                  On the problem of antisemitism in the modern world

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Extraordinary General Assembly,

                  relying on the resolutions on the problem of antisemitism approved by previous General Assemblies, on the resolutions and other documents of the World Jewish Congress on this problem, and on the constant monitoring of antisemitic manifestations conducted by the EAJC and admitting the continued importance of the efforts of Jewish community structures in counteracting antisemitism;

                  • notes that, despite the efforts of governments and public organizations, antisemitism still remains a noticeable phenomenon in many countries, both preserving old stereotypes and acquiring new ones, and that antisemitism remains a deeply rooted problem in a number of Islamic countries;
                  • states that in a number of countries antisemitism can be found in the speech of politicians, and not only in representatives of fringe parties, but of parties in power as well; that in a number of countries both radical right and radical left new political movements often utilize antisemitic slogans; that antisemitism today often hides beneath the mask of anti-Zionism, that is - anti-Israeli speeches by politicians and public figures, boycotts of the Jewish state, its products, its state, scientific and public institutions; that a number of international bodies have a biased antisemitic policy and approve resolutions that are squarely anti-Israeli at their core on a regular basis;
                  • stresses the necessity of decisively combating antisemitism in all of its form by consolidating the efforts of government bodies and civil society;
                  • believes that laws against antisemitism and other forms of xenophobia and racial hatred need to be approved and correctly implemented in all civilized countries;
                  • notes the importants of fostering tolerance and international concord in youth;
                  • decisively condemns the use of antisemitic rhetoric in political activity and implementing antisemitic ideology under the guise of combating Zionism, realized as an anti-Israeli boycott;
                  • calls for governments and community structures of countries whose Jewish communities are a part of the EAJC to use all available opportunities at their disposal to combat Judophobia and to ensure the safety of Jewish communities; calls for these governments to refuse any and all forms of the anti-Israeli boycott which is being imposed by the new antisemitism.