Euroasian Jewish News
President of the EAJC Meets With UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Alexander Mashkevich has left the United States, where he had been present at the inauguration of Barack Obama by invitation of the President-Elect.
In conclusion of his visit to the United States, the President of the EAJC met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Also present were Chung Yi Yong, chairman of the International Association of Asian Political Parties, and the Secretary-General of the EAJC Mikhail Chlenov.
The meeting included a discussion on questions on the situation in the Near East, from where Ban Ki-moon has recently returned, and various approaches to easing international tension.
Mashkevich stressed the importance of dialogue and inter-civilizational contact for EAJC, elaborated on the program of its development through covering a wider geography and heightening the representative level of the participants in the dialogue, and presented the Secretary-General with his book "Dialogue of Civilizations."
Ban Ki-moon expressed hope for a possibility of constructive collaboration between international and inter-state social institutions, and endorsed the perspective of a closer cooperation between the UN and the EAJC.
After the end of the meeting, the leader of the EAJC announced to journalists that "this meeting is a recognition of our achievements in the sphere of establishing dialogue, and it has taken the EAJC to a new level of international activity."
The leader of the EAJC also met with the Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) Ronald Lauder and the executive director of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Malcolm Hoenline. The leaders of the major Jewish organizations discussed the agenda of the nearest Plenary Assembly of the EAJC.