On the 2-4 of May, 2010, the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies (UCHS) (director - Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council member Dr. Anatoliy Podolsky), with the support of the USA Embassy Democracy Support Fund and the EAJC held the X Pan-Ukrainian competition of student research and creative works "History and Lessons of the Holocaust." The opening of the competition took place in the I. Kuras Institute for Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
This is a yearly competition held by the UCHS among the school students of Ukraine, which manifests the ideas stated in the Declaration of the Stockholm International Holocaust Forum, and in the UN Resolution on the introduction of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and is part of the UCHS effort to contribute to the preservation ofmemory of genocide victims.
Talented youths who care about social problems, as well as their teachers, are offered the chance to test themselves by participating in the competition, which is aimed at deepening student knowledge of the history of the Holocaust - the fate of the Jewish people in Europe during World War II, the popularization this topic of study among youths, developing their research ana analytical skills during the selection of materials and writing of papers on their chosen topic; a search for new facts, documents, and testaments of the Holocaust both in Ukraine and outside o

f her territories and their introduction into scientfic research; participation of young researchers in international seminars; the introduction of youth to tolerant behavior and respect towards people of other nationalities.
59 student works from 21 regions of Ukraine were presented at the competition. These were the finalists of the year-long competition. About a hundred people participated in the entire competition, including students, teachers, and researchers. A presentation of the best student works of 2006-2009 was part of the opening of the competition ("History and Lessons of the Holocaust. Student Papers 2006–2009. Special edition of the 'Holocaust and Modernity' journal"). The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress and the USA Embassy also sponsored the edition.