EAJC Secretary General Statement on Events in Ukraine
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Secretary General Statement on Events in Ukraine

                  EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov

                  EAJC Secretary General Statement on Events in Ukraine

                  25.02.2014, Ukraine

                  The EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov has made a statement containing the official EAJC stance on the events taking place in Ukraine.

                  As the Congress Secretary General stressed, “The EAJC is a non-political non-governmental organization and thus does not participate directly in the political processes that are taking place in countries whose communities are part of the EAJC. Thus, the EAJC does not deem it possible to give political evaluations of the events in Ukraine and to unconditionally support or condemn any side of the conflict, at least until the situation begins to concern the Jewish community and its interests overtly and directly. This EAJC position is supported by the leadership of the World Jewish Congress and a number of international Jewish organizations. The government of Israel is also understanding of this position. This position does not concern only Ukraine but is the principal EAJC approach to political situations of conflict in the EAJC region.

                  Naturally, we are worried and feel grief about the bloodshed and general instability in one of the largest countries of the Euro-Asian region. We grieve about those who have been killed and who have been hurt, and hope from the bottom of our hearts that the conflict will soon be resolved, and Ukraine will have peace and stability.

                  The leadership of the Congress carefully monitors the events, as well as any and all circumstances concerning the life of Ukraine’s Jewish community. The Congress is ready to react both on a diplomatic level and in directly aiding those who need help if the situation requires it.

                  Recent events give grounds to hope that the most critical and tragic stage of the conflict is behind us and that Ukraine has a real chance for peaceful democratic development.”