The Mitzvah Association, the Chesed Polina Center and the Rimon Jewish Community Center have been holding the unique international Jewish youth camp “My Family in the History of the Jews” for socially vulnerable families from Central Asia and neighboring countries since 2006. The opening ceremony for the 2016 camp was attended by Mitzvah Council Chairman, member of the People’s Assembly of Kazakhstan and the Presidium of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Alexander Baron, and the director of the Chesed Polina Center Inessa Chugainova.
Over the six days of the camp-seminar, its participants walked Noah’s path, studied the seven laws given to Noah by G-d, and had daily roleplaying games dedicated to what is written in the Torah. In the end, everyone created a rainbow on the beach and made a group photo symbolizing friendship and the desire to participate in building the Jewish community of Kazakhstan.

Yet another family camp and seminar is a success, and it will serve to unite the Jewish communities of Kazakhstan further. Action groups consisting of young families will be created in several cities. These groups will bcome the basis for new and important activities.
A large team of madrichim worked on the project of the family camp and seminar. The project was spearheaded by director Inessa Chugainova, administrator Nellie Zaitseva, and the coordinator of youth programs Arthur Zaitov.
The family camp and seminar “My Family in the History of the Jews” was held with the support of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the Mitzvah Association.
Information provided by Inessa Chugainova and Arthur Zaitov.